PocketHealth allows you to access, view and share your medical imaging records from anywhere in the world.
Secured with bank-level encryption.
500+ reviews
“I can now see what my doctor sees in my x-rays, MRIs, etc., as well as the report on the images. When I meet my doctor, I can ask more intelligent questions about the plans for my recovery. The whole process is very easy, and their support is excellent."
“I requested on a Friday evening from two different clinics and I got the images within 30 minutes. I would recommend this to everyone, especially expecting mothers who want to see their ultrasound pictures!”
“PocketHealth saved me a week and a half of pain from a broken collarbone by getting my surgery expedited, and it also allowed me to have surgery at my preferred hospital.”
Once you sign up for Pockethealth, the moment your images and reports are ready, they appear in your account. View them from any device.
Email, fax, or print an access page to hand your doctor right from your account. They don’t need to be on PocketHealth to view your images in full diagnostic quality.
All your records are secured with bank-level encryption technology and will always be available for you to access and share.